Zoom, AI and Privacy

This is one for EU Compliance folk. How could Zoom think they can get away with an updated terms of service (27 July) that grants them rights to utilise customer data and content - globally? With no opt out? Additionally explicitly stating it could be used for ML/AI training.

“Additionally, under section 10.4 of the updated terms, Zoom has secured a “perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicensable, and transferable license” to redistribute, publish, access, use, store, transmit, review, disclose, preserve, extract, modify, reproduce, share, use, display, copy, distribute, translate, transcribe, create derivative works, and process Customer Content.”

Professionally - we have a hard enough time securing perimeters for data without worrying about a service we have using it themselves.

Personally - I can lose the plot if the button to ‘reject all’ cookies is more than two steps away. This is not good for my blood pressure.

Mind you I wouldn’t shed a tear if there’s one less video conference service in my life.

Update: Zoom have provided clarification here.

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