We should be worried about the AMOC

Sustainability is not just about producing CSRs, or it shouldn’t be. It’s why I can get quite fervent about the impact of technology and solutions.

Looks like a second study has been released predicting the collapse of AMOC before the turn of the Century (2050 mean in this case).

Is a vital ocean current just decades away from catastrophic collapse?
Two studies suggest the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation could collapse by the middle of the century and wreak havoc with the climate, but such predictions are controversial

AMOC is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The movie ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ got the scientific part right if that collapsed. We won’t instantly freeze like in the movie but…bad, bad times (and Europe would get pretty damn cold).

Studies are always debated, but this is the second one now. We need to do better. Mostly because if I get to my mid 70s I’d much prefer relaxing with a Brandy rather than fighting for survival through climate collapse. But maybe that’s just me.

(Link if you don’t have a subscription to New Scientist or Apple News https://archive.ph/kwSrt)

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