Some good questions
It’s Cyber Security Awareness Month
(The WORST acronym…ever, Marketers are eye-rolling and weeping. If they aren’t, somebody needs to have a quiet word)
Strangely I’m interested in seeing where the marketing does go on this. ‘It’s [I’m not typing it again] so be aware and our product is great for X’ probably doesn’t cut it.
Do you know how quickly you can contain some or all of your systems?
Do you know the impacts of each?
Do you know how quickly and thoroughly you can clean the contained systems?
Do you have it written down in detail?
Have you tested it?
Is everybody up to and including the Exec aware?
Is it all cross referenced to your BCP and DR?
Do you have a partner to help?
That’s awareness IMHO.
[Cyber Security related image posted here, but I can’t be bothered to look. Use your imagination. It probably involves men looking at lots of big screens and graphs or hoodies]