Adequacy in 2025

One for the risk register for 2025 if you do business across the UK/EU. Back in 2021 the EU adopted two data adequacy decisions which allowed the flow of personal data between the UK and EU.

Europe warns of threat to adequacy agreement
LIBE committee raises concerns about Data Protection and Digital Information Bill to UK government and European Commission.

They had a ‘sunset clause’ after four years, which means they will automatically run out and will only be renewed if the UK ensures an adequate level of data protection. That’s next year.

The EU Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs has written to the UK with concerns about the Data Protection and Information Bill

Certainly one to watch. It’s not cool, it’s boring, it has wide ranging consequences that most people won’t know. It won’t make the news until we have to deal with those consequences.

The EU will not mess about - look at the headlines with Big Tech lately.

(Ugh that would be painful. Anybody remember looking at contingency for ‘No deal’? Pull that out again).

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